Well today's events started off with making razberry noises. The Russian was keeping up with the Americans at first. But in the end, the Americans won but only because they are more obnoxious. But in the temper tamtrum event, the Little Russian conquered all and took the Gold. The Americans were in awe as the Little Russian destroyed them - maybe tomorrow we'll have a rematch. HA
Speaking of sports, Bill is going a little crazy due to the lack of US Sports to watch. He can only watch so much soccer or skiing. So who could be surprised back home to hear that Bill set up a hockey night. He bought 20 tickets for the adoption families to have a night out - Ust versus Russia. We have heard that there are actually 8 players from Kazakhstan in the NHL. One is even on the Chicago Blackhawks, he will be our new favorite player. We can walk to the game and the price was right - 250 tenge or about $2.25 per ticket.
Well Nora is still fighting congestion in her chest. She doesn't cough as much but when you hold her, you can feel it. Her behaviour hasn't changed because of it thankfully. She crawls, crawls, and crawls it is so hard to keep up with her. I swear I do my hair and make up every day but after one hour with Nora I am a complete wreck.
I can't wait for everyone to see her facial expressions. She has several different smiles. One look for her and you want to give her whatever she wants to see a smile. She's a looker and cute as a button.
Its hard to believe we have been here for 2 weeks. I miss home, I cried when the internet went down. I wish I could see Nellie my dog and I want my mother too. Everything is ok though because Bill is here. No way could I do this without him, he is my rock. We have been watching the series 24 (1st season) with Kiefer Sutherland, its pretty good and fills up our nights.
Well, I better go for now. If anyone doubts that the United States of America is not the greatest country leave it for a while, you will change your mind. Yes we are very patriotic these days. There is no greater place in the world to me than home: The South Side of Chicago in a little house in the Mt Greenwood neighborhood. Love, Love, Love, Dana