Well the holidays are not yet over here at the Spykers home. We still have Bill's and Nora's birthdays coming up. Nora will be 2 and Bill is well ...entering into middle age. Ha :) Nora is doing great. She is saying tons of words and a few sentences. She says the words milk and puppy a few hundred times a day. Christmas was perfect. Bill and I both agree it was the best Christmas we ever had. Nora came around the corner spotted the toys under the tree and said TOYS!!! And off she went!
We are shortly coming up to knowing Nora a year now. I didn't think I could love her more than the moment I first laid eyes on her. But I fall more and more in love everyday. Just last night she walked up to me while I was laying on the couch and she kissed my nose and said night night mama. AHHH what happiness. So all and all things are great. She does act up a bit. She is going into the terrible 2's. (But like others babies from Nora's same baby house, Hi Leah)Nora sleeps 12 hours a night and a 2 hour nap during the day. She is so kick a..! So how can I complain huh?
Well take care everyone! we will write again soon.
AWWW she is SO CUTE!! Her hair is really coming in. Our daughter, Leeza, (adopted this past Oct from Kostanai) looks a lot like Nora...same fair skin, blond hair, and pretty blue eyes. Her hair is finally growing too.
Leeza is only 16 months but has a 2 year old attitude already...but is also a GREAT sleeper like Nora (in fact, its' 10:02 am and she is still sound asleep) so that is VERY nice. :)
Happy New Year!
Nora is beautiful and getting so big!! Glad you've got a great sleeper too, apart from when she's teething Leah is a 12hr a night girl as well. ;)
Its hard to believe its almost a year since we were all out there, a lot of great memories of our time together!! We have also up-dated our blog, some new photos of Leah.
Your room is still free for you to come and visit us!
Love Philip, Amanda and Leah ox
I have loved following this blog since its start, in part because we are distant relatives -- my 3g-grandfather was Joel Spyker. (http://www.barrysherry.com/spyker.html) Loving it and belated congratulations -- Barry Sherry, Woodbridge VA
I love that you are updating your blog. Nora was my inspiration for me to continue our adoption journey. You were adopting about the time the Embassy shut down and I was disheartened. Pictures of Nora would always lift my spirits.
Today with some inspiration from Nora, we are home with our daughter Nina(also from Ust).
..keep posting, she is adorable.
Your guys were an inspiration to us as well. We are between trips to Ust-Kam adopting a 1 year old boy.
Thanks for the update. Nora is beautiful.
Send me an e-mail so I can invite you to our blog. chirodoc@frontiernet.net
Nora is beautiful. She reminds me of my granddaughter Aila. Aila just turned 2 as well. Enjoy!
Hey Guys
Happy Paddys day!! Hard to believe its been a full year now since your terrifying day in court!!
Hope you are all doing well!
And would it kill ya to give us another update! ;P
Philip, Amanda & Leah
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